crn2vec2: .crn file to column vectors of index, sample size, and year [x,s,yr]=crn2vec2(pf1) or [x,s,yr]=crn2vec2; Last revised 2009-8-20Reads a ".crn" file of tree-ring indices in ITRDB format and converts the indices and associated data into vectors that can be used in Matlab. Input file must be formatted as in ITRDB requirements for crn2vec2 to work.
*** IN pf1 (1 x ?)s path and file name of .crn file (e.g., 'c:\work\mt100.crn'); alternatively, can call with no input arguments and be prompted to point to the .crn file *** OUT x (mx x 1)r tree-ring index, mx years s (mx x 1)r sample size (number of cores) in each year yr (mx x 1)i year vector for x and s *** REFERENCES -- None *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED -- None *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- None
rwl2tsm: ring-width list (rwl) file to time series matrix [X,yrX,nms,T]=rwl2tsm(pf1) Last revised 2009-9-4Ring-width list (rwl) file to time series matrix. Reads an rwl file and puts all its ring-width series into a time series matrix X with a corresponding year vector yrX. The columns of X correspond to the individual width series in the order they were stored in their rwl file. The row-cell of string names, nms, has the core ids of the series in X, in the same order as the columns of X. The time series matrix X is filled out with NaNs where data for individual series is missing.
*** IN pf1 (1 x ?)spath and filename of input rwl file(see notes) (e.g., 'c:\data\'az023.rwl'); if not included, you are prompted to point to the file *** OUT X (mX x nX)r time series matrix, mX years and nX columns yrX (mX x 1)i year vector for X nms {size(X,2) x 1}s col-cell of names of series in X T (nX x 3)i column, first and last years of valid data in each series of X *** REFERENCES --- none *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- none *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED rwlinp sov2tsm3
grplot: stacked time series plots of ring-width series from rwl file grplot; Last revised 2008-5-2Stacked time series plots of ring-width series from rwl file. Up to 8 series plotted per figure windowm, or printed page. Intended to help in deciding on curve-fits for detrending in programs such as ARSTAN. Can process single rwl file (interactive mode), or multiple rlw files(batch mode). Series can be plotted in order as encountered in the rwl file, or re-ordered by age. Series for each page can also be specified if user first stores a pointer variable in a .mat file beforehand.
*** IN No input arguments User prompted for various options, and to point to files for input and output *** OUT No output args. Plots of time series appear in one or more figure windows. If your input ring-width data is from an .rwl file(s), an ascii .txt file with name xxx_list.txt appears in the working directory. "xxx" is the part of the rwl filename before the period. Thus, if "az024.rwl" is your input, "az024_list.txt" is produced. This .txt file is for surveying file contents and lists each core id and first and last years' measurments Other file output is optional, and consists of one or more postscript (.ps) files, one for each input .mat ring-width file. The user can specify the filename in interactive mode. In batch mode, the .ps suffix is assigned to the same prefix as the input .mat file containing the ring-width file. In "single" mode you can view the figure windows as the program runs and afterwards. In "batch" mode, figure windows are not saved, but are overwritten from on ring-width file to ring-width file. But in batch mode, have the plots stored in .ps files for later plotting. *** REFERENCES -- none *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED eightplt - utility function that plots up to 8 sets of axes on page rwlinp - read rwl file; store data as indexed vector (strung-out-vector) and metadata trailnan --- misc utility *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- none
rwlinp: read rwl-file data and store in a .mat file [pf2,X,yrs,nms]=rwlinp(pf1,path1,path2); Last revised 2009-9-28Read rwl-file data and store in a .mat file. Utility function to read an rwo file and store the data in an accessible form for MATLAB functions. Data stored as "index-vector", which is each series one after another in a column vector.
*** INPUT (optionally 0-3 args) pf1 (1 x ?)scombined path and filename of .rwl file example: 'd:\jack\data\az033.rwl' path1 (1 x ?)s path to the .rwl file. If this arg is passed, means that pf1 is the filename only Example: 'd:\jack\data\' as path1, and 'az033.rwl' as pf1 path2 (1 x ?)s , only if also have pf1 and path1>: path for the output .mat files and .tmp files. If no path2 as argument, default is to the same directory as the .rwl files are in Input arguments are optional. There can be 0,1, 2, or 3 input arguments: None: user prompted to clck on names of input and output files One: combined path & filename for the .rwl file Two: first arg is the filename of the .rwl file, and the second is the path Three: path for the output .mat file; this option is convenienent when user wants .mat output files to go to different directories that that of the source .rwl files *** OUTPUT pf2 (1 x ?)s path & filename of output .mat file X (? x 1)i column vector of ringwidths stored one core after another in units of hundredths of mm yrs (? x 3)i start year, end year, and row index of start year of each core's ring-width series in X nms {?x1}s ids of each core Depending on the number of input arguments, the output .mat file goes to a specified filename or the user is prompted to enter it. The .mat file contains X, yrs and nms, as well as: cmask (? x 1)i mask for core; 1==do not mask, 0==mask. cmask is created as all 1's by rwlinp. Subsequent functions may change cmask as cores are deleted from analysis. Fwhen {8 x 4}s history of fits for the data set. Casual user need not be concerned with this or cmask. Fwhen tracks what was the source and target data file, and what and when things were done to the data. A .tmp ascii file is also produced listing the core id, and first and last years' data for each core. This file intended for checking that rwlinp.m indeed stores the ring widths properly *** REFERENCES --none *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED intnan.m -- checks for internal NaNs in a vector trailnan.m -- lops off trailing NaNs from a vector *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- none
sov2tsm: strung-out-vector to time series matrix, with names cell [X,yrX,nms]=sov2tsm3(v,YRS,nms,jpick,tends); Last revised 2008-4-29Strung-out-vector (SOV) to time series matrix, with names cell. Low-level function to convert ring-width data previously read from an rwl file into MATLAB by rwlinp in to a time series matrix. This function called by rwl2tsm.
*** IN v (mv x 1)r strung-out-vector (sov) of one or more time series YRS(nsers x 3)i start year, end year, and starting row index of each series in v, where nsers is the number of series in v nms (nsers x ?)s or {nsers x 1}s names of series in v jpick(? x 1)i or [] index to rows of YRS specifying which series in v to include in the tsm. For example, jpick=([1 3 4 7])' would pick only those four series. The series numbers correspond to rows of YRS. See Notes. tends(1 x 2)i, or [] first last year of desired tsm X. *** OUT X (mX x nX)r time series matrix, mX years and nX columns yrX (mX x 1)i year vector for X nms {size(X,2) x 1}s names of series in X *** REFERENCES --- none *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- none *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED -- none
trailnan: remove any trailing NaN's from a vector x=trailnan(x); Last revised: 2009-10-05Utility function used by rwlinp.m and other functions. Most users will not need to call trailnan in their own code
*** INPUT x (1 x ?)r or (? x 1)r vector, usually a time series *** OUTPUT x (? x 1)r the same vector, but with any trailing NaN's removed *** REFERENCES -- none *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED -- none *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- none
eightplt: Plot up to eight plotes of ring width per page; utility called by grplot.m eightplt(datin); Last revised 2009-9-28Plot up to eight plotes of ring width per page; utility called by grplot.m. You will not typically call eightplt yourself.
*** IN datin{} -- contents described later *** OUT No output args *** REFERENCES -- none *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED -- none *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- none
acf: autocorrelation function and approximate 95% confidence bands [r,SE2,r95]=acf(x,nlags,k); Last revised 2008-4-29Autocorrelation function and approximate 95% confidence bands. Options available for plotting and for alternative algorithms of calculation.
*** INPUT ARGUMENTS x (m x 1) time series, length m nlags (1 x 1)i number of lags to compute acf to k (1 x 2) options;k(1) -- plotting ==1 No plotting within function; get this also if no k input argument ==2 Function makes stem plot of acf with CI of +-2 times large-lag standard error k(2) -- alternative algorithms (see Notes) ==1 Uses global means, not means computed separately for subsets of observations, for departures. Computed covariance as sum of products of first k values and last k values from the the mean. Then standardizes so that lag 0 autocorrelation is 1.0 by dividing the vector g by g(1), where g is vector of sums of cross-products at lags 0,1,2,... ==2 Uses subset means and standard deviations in computations *** OUTPUT ARGUMENTS r (1 x nlags)r acf at lags 1 to nlags SE2 (1 x nlags)r two times the large-lag standard error of r r95 (1 x 1)threshold sample r required for significance in one-tailed test at 0.05 alpha (95% signficance). Intended for quick check for positive first-order autocorrelation, the most common form of persistence in many natural. If the sample r(1) does not exceed r95, cannot reject H0 that the population r(1) is zero, at 0.05 alpha. *** REFERENCES Large-lag standard error after Box, G.E.P., and Jenkins, G.M., 1976, Time series analysis: forecasting and control: San Francisco, Holden Day. Confidence interval for r(k) from Haan, C.T., 2002, Statistical methods in Hydrology, second edition: Ames, Iowa, Iowa State University Press. Computation formulas for sample r from Wilks, D.S., 1995, Statistical methods in the atmospheric sciences: Academic Press, 467 p. *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED -- none *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- none
whit1: fit AR model to a time series using modified AIC criterion, returning model information and residuals [e,k1,vrat,arcs] = whit1(y,nhi,k2); Last revised 2008-4-29Fit AR model to a time series using modified AIC criterion, returning model information and residuals You specify the highest order AR model to consider. Models up to that order are fit, and the modified (small sample) Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) is used to pick the best model.
*** IN ********************** y (my x 1)r time series, vector; NaNs not allowed nhi (1 x 1)i highest AR order to consider (if k2==1), or the only AR order model to try fitting (if k2=2) k2 (1 x 2)i options k2(1) for order selections ==1 fit models of order 1 to nhi ==2 fit model of order nhi only k2(2) for over-riding selection of null (order = 0) model ==1 if modified AIC computed from original time series with model order 0 is lower than any of the entertained models, return the null model (see notes) ==2 accept the lowest AIC model even if its AIC is not as low as that of the null model *** OUT ************************** e (my x 1)r AR residuals, with mean added back in; or, if null model, the original series y k1 - the order of the AR model deemed best by the AIC, or 0 if null model and k2(2)==1 vrat - the ratio of variance of AR residuals to variance of original time series y (see notes) arcs the ar coefs and their two-standard errors in a two-row array; row 1 has the coefficients; row two has 2*standard error of the coefficients; arcs==[] if k2==1 and null model has been selected; *** REFERENCES The loss function and AIC are discussed in Ljung, L. 1995. System identification toolbox; for use with MATLAB, The MathWorks, Inc., p. 3-46. Akaike H. (1974) A new look at the statistical model identification. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control AC-19, 716-723. Hurvich C. M. and Tsai C. (1989) Regression and time series model selection in small samples. Biometrika 76, 297-307. *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED akaike *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- system identification
akaike: Akaike information criterion for order of best ARMA model c=akaike(V,N,m); Last revised 2004-2-17Akaike information criterion for order of best ARMA model
*** INPUT ARGUMENTS V (1 x 1)r loss function, or variance of model residuals N (1 x 1)i number of observations m (1 x 1)i number of explanatory variables, or sum of AR and MA orders *** OUTPUT ARGUMENTS c (1 x 2)r Akaike information criterion, with and without correction for small sample bias (see notes); c(1) == with correction; c(2)= without correction *** REFERENCES Akaike H. (1974) A new look at the statistical model identification. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control AC-19, 716-723. Hurvich C. M. and Tsai C. (1989) Regression and time series model selection in small samples. Biometrika 76, 297-307. *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED -- none *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED System identification
intnan: check for internal NaN in a vector m=intnan(x) Last revised 2008-4-29Utility function for checking whether a vector has an internal, or imbedded, NaN
*** INPUT x(? x 1)r or (1 x ?)r -- a time series *** OUTPUT m(1 x 1)L 1 if x has imbedded NaN, 0 otherwise *** REFERENCES -- none *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED -- none *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- none
rwchng: scaled values or scaled first-difference of a time series rwchng(x,k); Last revised 2003-09-10Scaled values or scaled first-difference of a time series. Written as utility function for skelcrn. The scaled first-difference ring-width or index time series is the change in the series from the previous year expressed as a decimal fraction of the local level of the series. The local level is the values of the series smoothed by a 9-weight Gaussian filter.
*** INPUT ARGS x (mx x 1) input time series, a ring-width series or index series k (1 x 1)i option for first differencing of time series (see notes) ==1 no first differencing ("local" mode in skelcrn) ==2 first differencing *** OUTPUT ARGS y (my x 1) scaled first difference of departures my=mx-1 *** REFERENCES -- none *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED -- none *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED signal processing
rwread3: reads a single .rw file [X,guy,day,pf1]=rwread3(path1,file1); Last revised 1999-2-15Reads a single .rw file A low-level function called by skelcrn and other UW functions. rwread3.m reads a file of data in ".rw" format, and stores the result in a matrix with the year as column 1 and ring width in column 2
*** INPUT *********************** path1 (1 x ?)ch path to .rw file file1 (1 x ?)ch filename of .rw file *** OUTPUT ************************ X (mX x 2)r year in col 1, ring width in col 2 guy (1 x ?)ch initials of measurer day (1 x ?)ch day measured pf1 (1 x ?)ch path\filename of the .rw file *** REFERENCES -- none *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED -- none *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- none
skelcrn: skeleton plot from .crn file or .rw file skelcrn; Last revised 2009-9-30Draws a skeleton plot from chronology indices in a .crn "ITRDB-format" file; a measured ring-width series in a .rw file; or a two-column time series matrix with the year in column 1. The plot is scaled in the x-direction to 100 yr per 20 cm to match with manually drawn plots. The 10% of largest values (index or ring width) indices in each century are marked by small squares on the skeleton plot. For .crn input, a plot of sample size (number of cores, usually) against time is also produced.
Optionally a ring can be compared to just the flanking rings (adjacent), or to all rings within the local region (local). In "adjacent" mode, ring widths are first-differenced as an intermediate step to emphasize change from previous year. In "local" mode, no first-differencing is done. With the "local" approach, the comparison is centered (comparing with rings before and after). With the adjacent, the comparison can be either centered or backwards (comparing the ring with just the preceding ring). A user-prompted scaling factor allows for stretching or shrinking the x axis so that the output of your particular printer exactly matches the scale of manual skeleton plots.
*** IN No input arguments. User is prompted for three things: 1) type of input (.crn file or .rw file) 2) local or adjacent mode 2) centered or backwards approach to building the plot 3) scaling factor (see notes) *** OUT No output arguments Plots are shown in figure windows on the screen. DO NOT WORRY if when you click on a figure window you do not see the entire plots. The printouts will stil be OK. To get a printout, steps depend on your version of matlab. With MATLAB Version (R2007b)follow these steps: '1 Click on a desired figure window to make that window current',... '2 Click File/PrintPreview from the Figure-Window menu',... '3 Click "Center" option -- rectangle at left center of menu... '4 Press "Print" from the Print Preview window',... '6 Press "OK" from the Print Window'}; Skelcrn is not likely to work with earlier versions of Matlab, as this version of skelcrn was adapted to use some new calling conventions. *** REFERENCES Stokes, M.A., and Smiley, T.L., 1996, An Introduction to Tree-ring Dating: The University of Arizona Press, Tucson, p. 73 pp. *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED filter1.m -- apply filter to time series rwchng.m -- transforms ring width rwread3.m -- reads a .rw file crn2vec2 -- reads a .crn file and converts data to column vector wtsgaus -- gets Gaussian filter weights *** TOOLBOXES statistics signal processing
wtsgaus: weights for gaussian filter with specified frequency response b=wtsgaus(p,N); Last revised 2003-3-14Weights for gaussian filter with specified frequency response Specify te wavelength for the 0.50 respons, and the length of series, get the coefficients, or weights
*** INPUT p (1 x 1)i period (years) at which filter is to have amp frequency response of 0.5 N (1 x 1)i length of the time series (number of observations) *** OUTPUT b (1 x n)r computed weights *** REFERENCES WMO 1966, p. 47 *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED -- NONE *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- stats
filter1: filter a time series, keeping correct phase and adjusting for end effects [y,ty]=filter1(x,tx,b,k); Last revised 2003-10-31Filter a time series, keeping correct phase and adjusting for end effects
*** INPUT x (mx x 1) time series, no NaN allowed tx (mx x 1) time variable b (1 x nb) filter weights -- must be odd number of weights k (1 x 1) option for end effects 1 - truncate (i.e., use only the observed data) 2 - reflect about endpoints -- coded, but not rigorously checked out yet 3 - extend with mean of x 4 - extend with median of x *** OUTPUT ************************* y (my x 1) filtered version of x. my is fewer than mx if k=1 ty (my x 1) time variable corresponding to y *** REFERENCES Mitchell, J.M., Jr., Dzerdzeevskii, B., Flohn, H., Hofmeyr, W.L., Lamb, H.H., Rao, K.N., and Wallen, C.C., 1966, Climatic change, Technical Note 79: Geneva, World Meteorological Organization. *** UW FUNCTIONS NEEDED -- NONE *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED signal processing
climgram: box-plot graphs showing monthly distributions of precipitation and temperature [mpcp,npcp,mtmp,ntmp]=climgram(P,T,txtin,windno,koptcolor); Last revised 2009-10-04Box-plot graphs showing monthly distributions of precipitation and temperature. A figure with two panels, each having 12 box plots, is drawn. The top plot shows the distribution of monthly precipitation; the bottom plot shows the distribution of monthly temperature. The plots convey the same information as the conventional "climatogram", or "climograph", but dislay the variability as well as the mean level of the monthly climate variables.
*** IN P (? x 13)r monthly precipitation matrix, year in col 1 T (? x 13)r monthly temperature matrix, year in col 1 txtin{} -- Labeling for plots {1} (1 x ?)s title for plot (will go above top plot). Say, 'Climatogram for Rapid City' {2} (1 x ?)s y axis label for pcp Example 'Precipitation (mm)' {3} (1 x ?)s y axis label for tmp windno: window number for plot koptcolor (1x1)i color option ==1 color ==2 B/W *** OUT mpcp (1 x 12)r means for pcp npcp (1 x 12)n number of years in sample mtmp (1 x 12)r means for tmp ntmp (1 x 12)n number of years in sample *** REFERENCES -- NONE *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED --NONE *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED stats
figsize: figure-window pixel positions from specified fractional screen-width and screen-height [cL,cB,cW,cH]=figsize(fwidth,fheigth); Last Revised 2009-10-04Figure-window pixel positions from specified fractional screen-width and screen-height. You want to set position property of figure window such that figure window covers a specified fraction of screen regardless of how many pixels are in the x and y directions on your computer.
*** INPUT fwidth (1 x 1)r desired figure width as decimal fraction of screen width fheight (1 x 1)r desired figure height as decimal fraction of screen height *** OUTPUT cL (1 x 1)i left position as pixel cW (1 x 1)i width in pixels cB (1 x 1)i bottom position as pixel cH (1 x 1)i height in pixelsesult -- structure of results *** REFERENCES --- none *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED -- none *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- none
textcorn: Add annotation text to any corner of a figure textcorn(txt,pos,xoffset,yoffset,fsz); Last Revised 2009-10-05Add annotation text to any corner of a figure. Control over which corner, how far from axes, and font size. One common use is to label subplots as "A", "B", etc.
*** INPUT txt (1 x ?)s or {}s = text of label pos (1 x 2)s position (one of these: "UL","UR","LL" or "LR") xoffset (1 x 1)r how far text is from left or right axis, as percentage of XLim axis property yoffset (1 x 1)r how far text is from bottom or top axis, as percentage of YLim axis property fsz (1 x 1)i font size *** OUTPUT No output, just puts text on the figure *** REFERENCES --- none *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED -- none *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- none
nonan1: longest continuous block of a time series matrix without missing data [yrgo2,yrsp2]=nonan1(X,yr); Last revised: 2009-10-05Longest continuous block of a time series matrix without missing data. Finds the longest continuous block of rows of a matrix for which none of the data is NaN. Useful in selecting period for calibration of tree-ring and climate series.
*** IN X (mX x nX)r time series matrix, mX observations and nX variables yr (mX x 1)i year vector corresponding to X *** OUT yrgo2 (1 x 1)i start year of period without any NaN yrsp2 (1 x 1)i end year ... *** REFERENCES -- none *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED -- none *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- none
trimnan: trim any leading and trailing NaNs from a vector time series [x,yrx]=trimnan(x,yrx); Last revised: 2009-10-05Trim any leading and trailing NaNs from a vector time series.
*** INPUT x: time series, a col-vector or row-vector yrx: year vector, same size as x *** OUTPUT x: trimmed vector of data yrx: trimmed year vector for ouput x *** REFERENCES -- none *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED trailnan *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- none
mafilt1: evenly-weighted moving average of an annual time series [y,yry]=mafilt1(x,yr,m,kopt); Last revised 2009-10-05Evenly-weighted moving average of an annual time series. Option for assigning smoothed value to ending year or middle year of the moving window
*** INPUT ARGS x (mx x 1)r time series yr (mx x 1)i year vector for x m (1 x 1)i length of moving average (e.g.,number of weights) kopt (1 x 1)i options kopt(1) which year of the m-year period to assign smoothed value ==1 central year ==2 ending year *** OUTPUT ARGS y (?x1) smoothed time series yry (? x1) years for y *** REFERENCES -- NONE *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED -- NONE *** TOOLBOXES USED -- NONE
c132tss: Thirteen-column monthly climate matrix to time-series structure function Result=c132tss(D); Last Revised 2009-10-14Thirteen-column monthly climate matrix to time-series structure. Reorganized the 13 cols (year and jan-to-dec data) into 3 columns -- year, month, data. Reorganized matrix is stored as a field in structure Result. The other fields, designed to hold metadata (e.g., longitude, latitude) are not dealt with by c132tss, whose sole function is reoroganization of the data matrix.
*** INPUT D (mD x nD)r 13-col climate monthly matrix, year as col 1, Jan-Dec as other cols *** OUTPUT Result -- structure of results .tsm: 3-col matrix (year, month, data value) of reorganized input D .... all the other fields (below) are set to dummy values (see notes) Result.units: units of data--> 'null' Result.names: cell with station ids --> {'null'} vector with latitude of stns --> NaN Result.lon: vector with longitude...--> NaN Result.elv: vector with elevation (m)--> NaN Result.type data type (Precip or Tmean) --> 'null' Result.what -- description of fields and history fo generation-->'null' Result.flnames -- cell with names (prefixes) of .mat input files--> {'null'} *** REFERENCES --- none *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED -- none *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED stats
suplabel: places text as a title, xlabel, or ylabel on a group of subplots [ax,h]=suplabel(text,whichLabel,supAxes); Copied 2009-10-18 from MATLAB File Exchange (see Notes)Places text as a title, xlabel, or ylabel on a group of subplots. Function written by Ben Barrowes and made availabe free on MATLAB File Exchange (see Notes). Useful in connection with function subplot when you want a "supertitle" above all subplots.
*** INPUT text(1 x ?)s text to be placed whichLabel (1 x ?)s specifies where you want text placed Any of 'x', 'y', 'yy', or 't', specifying whether the text is to be the xlable, ylabel, right side y-label, or "supertitle", espectively supAxes is an optional argument specifying the Position of the "super" axes surrounding the subplots. supAxes defaults to [.075 .075 .85 .85] specify supAxes if labels get chopped or overlay subplots *** OUTPUT ax = handle to the axis h = handle to the label ax=suplabel(text,whichLabel,supAxes) returns a handle to the axis only suplabel(text) with one input argument assumes whichLabel='x' *** REFERENCES Ben Barrowes wrote this function (see Notes) *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- none *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED -- none
arspectrum: spectrum of an AR(1) or AR(2) process Result=arspectrum(phi,varnoise,nsize,delf,kopt); Last Revised 2008-3-4Spectrum of an AR(1) or AR(2) process. Returns the theoretical spectrum as a function of frequency for frequencies f for an autoregressive order 1 or 2 process whose autoregressive coefficients are in row vector phi. Also requires information on the noise variance and series length.
*** INPUT phi(1 x 2)r coefficients of autoregressive model; handles AR(1), AR(2), or white noise (phi(2)==NaN instructs to use AR(1) --see Notes) varnoise (1 x 1)r noise variance from fit of the AR model -- see Notes nsize (1 x 1)n number of observations in the time series delf (1 x 1)r frequency interval at which spectrum to be computed; will be at frequencies [0:delf:0.5]; modulus of 0.5 and delf must be 0 kopt (1 x 2)i options kopt(1): sign convention on AR coefficients ==1 Ljung (positive autocorrelation goes with NEGATIVE phi(1)) ==2 Box and Jenkins (positive autocorrelation goes with positive phi(1) kopt(2): terse vs verbose mode ==1 terse, no graphics ==2 verbose, plot of spectrum in figure 1 *** OUTPUT Result -- structure of results .y spectral estimates at input frequencies Result.f .f col vector of the frequencies .A (1 x 1)r area under theoretical spectrum, cumputed as sum of delf times spectrum *** REFERENCES Box, G.E.P., and Jenkins, G.M., 1976, Time series analysis: forecasting and control: San Francisco, Holden Day, p. 575 pp. Chatfield, C., 1975, The analysis of time series: Theory and practice, Chapman and Hall, London, 263 pp. Ljung, L. 1995. System identification toolbox; for use with MATLAB, The MathWorks, Inc. Wilks, D. S., Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences, 467 p, Academic Press, 1995 -- p 352-355 *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED -- none
specbt1: spectrum of a single time series by Blackman Tukey method [G,null_str]=specbt1(z,M,f,prevwind,sername,kopt,tlab); Last revised 2009-10-22Compute and optionally plot the sample spectrum with 95% confidence bands. You can interactively control the spectral smoothing through M, the length of the smoothing window. Figure includes white noise spectral line and bandwidth bar.
*** IN z (mz x 1)r the time series M (1 x 1)i length of lag window used in calculations. f (mf x 1)r frequencies (cycles/yr, in range 0-0.5) for spectral estimates prevwind(1 x 1)i previous figure window sername(1 x ?)s name of series: for annotating title kopt (1 x 2)i or (1x1)i options kopt(1): whether or not to plot within function ==1 interactive plotting (linear y) to select final value of M ==2 no plotting; just compute spectrum given initial M ==3 interactive plotting using semilogy plot kopt(2): null-continuum (see notes) ==1 white noise ==2 red noise tlab (time label for frequency (e.g., years^-1) *** OUT G (mG x 5)r spectrum and related quantities. By column: 1- frequency 2- period (time) 3- spectral estimate 4- lower 95% confi limit 5- upper 95% conf limit null_str: tells what the last col of G is ("white noise" or "red noise" Graphics output: Figure 1. Spectrum, with 95% confidence interval. Horizontal line marks spectrum of white noise with same variance as z. Horizontal bar marks bandwidth of Tukey window used to smooth autocovariance function *** REFERENCES Chatfield, C. 1975. Time series analysis, theory and practice. Chapman and Hall, London, 263 p. Haan C. T. (2002) Statistical methods in Hydrology, second edition. Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa. Ljung, L. (1987). System Identification: Theory for the User, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Wilks, D.S., 1995, Statistical methods in the atmospheric sciences: Academic Press, 467 p. *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED arspectrum -- for red-noise null continuum specbt1/calcspec -- subfunction that does most of the meaty calculations *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED statistics system identification
corrone: product-moment correlation of one variable with several others r=corrone(y,X); Last revised 2006-9-2Correlation coefficients between one variable and several other variables. Written for use as an alternative to corrcoef.m when you do not need the full cross-correlation matrix between all variables. Ran about 40 times faster for an example of 1000 time series of length 50 years.
*** INPUT y (my x 1)r key variable; desire correlations between this and all others X (mX x nX)r other variables *** OUTPUT r (nX x 1)r product moment correlation between y and all series in X *** REFERENCES -- none *** UW FUNCTION CALLED -- none *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- none
pdgmsim: Exact simulation of Gaussian time series from its periodogram Result=pdgmsim1(x,nsim,mtaper,kopt); Last Revised 2009-10-27Exact simulation of Gaussian time series from its periodogram. Function coded from Percival and Constantine (2006), using the smoothed- periodogram spectral estimator and cirulant embedding following Dietrich and Newsam(1997). "Exact" refers to the retetion of the statististical properties --- including the spectrum --- of the observed series by the simulations. An option allows final scaling of simulations to have same and variance as the observed series.
*** INPUT x (mx x 1)r time series nsim (1 x 1)n number of simulations desired mtaper (1 x 1)r decimal proportion of series to be tapered. Suggest use mtaper=0.10 kopt (1 x `1)i options kopt(1) force simulation means and standard deviations to be same as sample ==1 yes ==2 no *** OUTPUT Result -- structure of results .Y (mx x nsim)r time series matrix of simulated time series .I (mx x 1)r periodogram of x .var (1 x 3)r variance of original series, tapered series, padded and tapered series *** REFERENCES Bloomfield, P., 2000. Fourier analysis of time series: an introduction, second edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 261 p. Conover, W., 1980, Practical Nonparametric Statistics, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York. Deitrich, C.R., and Newsam, G.N., 1997. Fast and exact simulation of stationary Gaussian processes through circulant embedding of the covariance matrix. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 18(4): 1088-1107. -- shortened to D&N(1997) in comments Ljung, L., 1999. System Identification: Theory for the User (2nd Edition). Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey Percival, D.B., and Constantine, W.L.B., 2006. Exact simulation of Gaussian time series from nonparametric spectral estimates with application to bootstrapping. Statistics and Computing, 16: 25-35. -- shortened to P&C(2006) in comments *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED Statistics *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED -- none
wtsbinom: weights for binomial filter of desired length or 50% response period b=wtsbinom(a,kopt); Last revised 2003-03-27Weights for binomial filter of desired length or 50% response period
*** INPUT a (1 x 1)i desired number of weights or periof of 50% response . See kopt. kopt(1 x 1)i option kopt(1)==1 a is the period for which amp of freq response should be 0.5 kopt(1)==2 a is the number of weights (odd, central + both sides desired) *** OUTPUT b (1 x n)r computed weights (see notes) *** REFERENCES Panofsky, H. and Brier, G., 1958. Some applications of statistics to meteorology. The Pennsylvania State University. p. 150. Mitchell et al. (1966, p. 47) *** UW FUNCTIONS CALLED -- NONE *** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- NONE
pdgmraw: Raw periodogram of tapered and padded time series [I,f,v]=pdgmraw(x,mtaper,npad,kopt); Last Revised 2009-12-17Raw periodogram of tapered and padded time series. Computes raw periodogram after tapering and padding time series. Uses fast Fourier transform (FFT) for discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and computes periodogram such that average ordinate equals variance of original time series.
*** INPUT x (mx x 1)r time series mtaper (1 x 1)r decimal proportion of series to be tapered npad (1 x 1)n desired padded length, a power of 2 at least as large as series-length kopt (1 x `1)i options kopt(1) variance adjustment for tapering and padding ==1 scale variance of tapered and padded variance before DFT ==2 scale periodogram by factors depending on tapering and padding *** OUTPUT I (mI x 1)r periodogram of x, at frequency zero and the Fourier frequencies f (mI x 1)r frequencies for I v (3x1) variances row 1: original series, x row 2: tapered x row 3: tapered and padded x row 4: average periodogram ordinate (average of I) *** REFERENCES Bloomfield, P., 2000. Fourier analysis of time series: an introduction, second edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 261 p. Ljung, L., 1999. System Identification: Theory for the User (2nd Edition). Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey *** UW FUNCTIONS -- none *** TOOLBOXES Statistics
dirfiles: cell-list of files with specified suffix(es) in a directory pre=dirfiles(path1,suff,kopt); Last revised 2010-02-18Cell-list of files with specified suffix(es) in a directory. Finds all files with specified suffixes in a directory and returns the filenames (without suffix) in fields of structure output variable. Example of use would be to make list of all ".rwl" and ".crn" files in some directory.
*** INPUT path1 (1 x ?)s directory of input files suff {1x?}s cell array of suffixes of files for which lists desired (no period) kopt (1 x 1)i options kopt(1): case sensitivity of suffixes ==1 case-insensitive ==2 case-sensitive *** OUTPUT pre. structure with fields x1, x2, ... Each field has a col-cell array of files with the suffix in suff{1}, suff{2}, etc, or is returned empty (see notes) *** REFERENCES -- NONE *** UW FUNCTIONS -- NONE *** TOOLBOXES -- NONE