
 crn2vec2:  .crn file to  column vectors of index, sample size, and year
 [x,s,yr]=crn2vec2(pf1)  or [x,s,yr]=crn2vec2;
 Last revised 2008-4-27

Reads a ".crn" file of tree-ring indices in ITRDB format and converts the indices and associated data into vectors that can be used in Matlab. Input file must be formatted as in ITRDB requirements for crn2vec2 to work.
*** IN

 pf1 (1 x ?)s  path and file name of .crn file
   (e.g., 'c:\work\mt100.crn');
   alternatively, can call with no input arguments and be prompted to
   point to the .crn file

*** OUT

 x (mx x 1)r   tree-ring index, mx years
 s (mx x 1)r   sample size (number of cores) in each year
 yr (mx x 1)i  year vector for x and s

*** REFERENCES -- None



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 rwl2tsm: ring-width list (rwl) file to time series matrix
 Last revised 2008-4-30

*** IN

 pf1 (1 x ?)s  path and filename of input rwl file (e.g.,
        'c:\data\'az023.rwl');  if not included, you are prompted to point
        to the file

*** OUT

 X (mX x nX)r time series matrix, mX years and nX columns
 yrX (mX x 1)i year vector for X
 nms {size(X,2) x 1}s names of series in X
 T (nX x 3)i column, first and last years of valid data in each series of X

*** REFERENCES --- none




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 acf: autocorrelation function and approximate 95% confidence bands
 Last revised 2008-4-29

Computes autocorrelation function and related information for a time series.

 x (m x 1) time series, length m
 nlags (1 x 1)i number of lags to compute acf to
 k (1 x 2) options;  
   k(1) -- plotting
       ==1 No plotting within function; get this also if no k input
       ==2 Function makes stem plot of acf with CI of +-2 times large-lag
          standard error
   k(2) -- alternative algorithms (see Notes)
       ==1 Uses global means, not means computed separately for subsets of
           observations, for departures.  Computed covariance as sum of products of first k
           values and last k values from the the mean.  Then standardizes so
           that lag 0 autocorrelation is 1.0 by dividing the vector g by g(1),
           where g is vector of sums of cross-products at lags 0,1,2,...
       ==2 Uses subset means and standard deviations in computations


 r (1 x nlags)r   acf at lags 1 to nlags
 SE2 (1 x nlags)r two times the large-lag standard error of r
 r95 (1 x 1)threshold sample r required for significance in one-tailed test at
   0.05 alpha (95% signficance).  Intended for quick check for positive first-order
   autocorrelation, the most common form of persistence in many natural.
   If the sample r(1) does not exceed r95, cannot reject H0 that the
   population r(1) is zero, at 0.05 alpha.



 Large-lag standard error after Box, G.E.P., and Jenkins, G.M., 1976, Time series
 analysis: forecasting and control: San Francisco, Holden Day.

 Confidence interval for r(k) from Haan, C.T., 2002, Statistical methods in Hydrology,
 second edition: Ames, Iowa, Iowa State University Press.

 Computation formulas for sample r from
 Wilks, D.S., 1995, Statistical methods in the atmospheric sciences: Academic Press, 467 p.



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 whit1:  fit AR model to a time series using modified AIC criterion, returning model information and residuals
 [e,k1,vrat,arcs] = whit1(y,nhi,k2);
 Last revised 2008-4-29

Fit AR model to a time series using modified AIC criterion, returning model information and residuals You specify the highest order AR model to consider. Models up to that order are fit, and the modified (small sample) Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) is used to pick the best model.
*** IN **********************

 y (my x 1)r  time series, vector; NaNs not allowed
 nhi (1 x 1)i  highest AR order to consider (if k2==1), or the only
   AR order model to try fitting (if k2=2)
 k2 (1 x 2)i  options
   k2(1) for order selections
       ==1 fit models of order 1 to nhi
       ==2 fit model of order nhi only
   k2(2) for over-riding selection of null (order = 0) model
       ==1 if modified AIC computed from original time series with model order 0 is lower than
           any of the entertained models, return the null model (see notes)
       ==2 accept the lowest AIC model even if its AIC is not as low as that of the null model

*** OUT **************************

  e (my x 1)r AR residuals, with mean added back in; or, if null model, the
		original series y
  k1 - the order of the AR model deemed best by the AIC, or 0 if null model and k2(2)==1
  vrat - the ratio of variance of AR residuals to variance of original time series y (see notes)
  arcs the ar coefs and their two-standard errors in a two-row array; row 1 has
       the coefficients; row two has 2*standard error of the coefficients;
       arcs==[] if k2==1 and null model has been selected;


 The loss function and AIC are discussed in Ljung, L. 1995. System identification
 toolbox; for use with MATLAB, The MathWorks, Inc., p. 3-46.

 Akaike H. (1974) A new look at the statistical model identification. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control AC-19, 716-723.
 Hurvich C. M. and Tsai C. (1989) Regression and time series model selection in small samples. Biometrika 76, 297-307.

*** TOOLBOXES NEEDED -- system identification

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 rwl2sov:  read .rwl-file ring widths and store in strung-out-vector format in a .mat file
 Last revised 2008-4-30

This is a way to get ring-width data into Matlab if the data is in the notorious ".rwl" format. "SOV" is short for "strung-out-vector", which means simply that each ring-width series is stacked one after another in a single column vector.

Also stored is a matrix with years and row indices that allows retrieval of individual ring-width series; and a string matrix of core ids in the same order as the ring-width series are stored.

SOV storage is expected by several other functions in the tree-ring toolbox. An example is grplot.m, a function for plotting multiple ring-width series on a page.


 pf1 (1 x ?)s path\filename of .rwl file
   example:  'd:\jack\data\az033.rwl'
 path1 (1 x ?)s path to the .rwl file.  If this arg is passed, means
   that pf1 is the filename only
   Example: 'd:\jack\data\'  as path1,  and   'az033.rwl' as pf1
 path4 (1 x ?)s : path
   for the output .mat files and .txt files.  If no path4 as argument,
   default is to the same directory as the .rwl files are in

 Input arguments are optional.  There can be 0,1, 2, or 3 input arguments:
  None: user prompted to click on names of input and output files
  One:  path\filename for the .rwl file
  Two: first arg is the filename of the .rwl file, and the second is the path
  Three: path for the output .mat file; this option is convenienent when user
    wants .mat output files to go to different directories that that
    of the source .rwl files

*** OUTPUT  *****************************************

 pf2 (1 x ?)s path & filename of output .mat file
   X (? x 1)i  column vector of ringwidths stored one core after another
	  in units of hundredths of mm
   yrs (? x 3)i start year, end year, and row index into X of start year of each
	  core's ring-width series in X
   nms (? x 8)s  identification of each core

 If function call with no or just one output argument, a .mat storage file pf2 is made. Otherwise,
 pf2 is returned as [], and it is assumed the user wants to directly use
 X, yrs and nms
 Depending on the number of input arguments, the output .mat
 file goes to a specified path\filename or the user is prompted to enter
 the path/filename of the storage file. The .mat stoarge file contains these variables:

   X (? x 1)i  column vector of ringwidths stored one core after another
	  in units of hundredths of mm
   yrs (? x 3)i start year, end year, and row index into X of start year of each
	  core's ring-width series in X
   nms (? x 8)s  identification of each core
   cmask (? x 1)i  mask for core; 1==do not mask, 0==mask.  cmask is created as all 1's
       by rwl2sov.  Subsequent functions may change cmask as cores are deleted from analysis.
   Fwhen {8 x 4}s   history of fits for the data set.  Casual user need not be concerned with this
       or cmask.  Fwhen tracks what was the source and target data file, and what and when things were
       done to the data.

 An ascii file "???_list.txt" is also produced in the working directory.
 "???" is taken from pf1, and is the part of that filename before the suffix.  This file lists
 the ids and first and last years' data for each of the ring-width series read.  The numbers in
 parentheses are the measurements for the first and last years.  This file can be used for checking
 quickly the contents of an rwl file.

*** REFERENCES --none


 intnan.m  -- checks for internal NaNs in a vector
 trailnan.m -- lops off trailing NaNs from a vector


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 sov2tsm: strung-out-vector to time series matrix, with  names cell
 Last revised 2008-4-29

*** IN

 v (mv x 1)r strung-out-vector (sov) of one or more time series
 YRS(nsers x 3)i start year, end year, and starting row index of
		each series in v, where nsers is the number of series in v
 nms (nsers x ?)s or {nsers x 1}s names of series in v
 jpick(? x 1)i or [] index to rows of YRS specifying which series in
		v to include in the tsm.  For example, jpick=([1 3 4 7])' would pick
		only those four series.  The series numbers correspond
		to rows of YRS. See Notes.
 tends(1 x 2)i, or []  first last year of desired tsm X.

*** OUT

 X (mX x nX)r time series matrix, mX years and nX columns
 yrX (mX x 1)i year vector for X
 nms {size(X,2) x 1}s names of series in X

*** REFERENCES --- none



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 akaike: Akaike information criterion for order of best ARMA model
 Last revised  2-17-04

Akaike information criterion for order of best ARMA model

 V (1 x 1)r loss function, or variance of model residuals
 N (1 x 1)i number of observations
 m (1 x 1)i number of explanatory variables, or sum of AR and MA orders


 c (1 x 2)r   Akaike information criterion, with and without correction for small sample bias (see
       notes);  c(1) == with correction; c(2)= without correction


 Akaike H. (1974) A new look at the statistical model identification. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control AC-19, 716-723.
 Hurvich C. M. and Tsai C. (1989) Regression and time series model selection in small samples. Biometrika 76, 297-307.



 System identification

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 trailnan: remove any trailing NaN's from a vector
 Last revised: Meko 2008-4-29

Utility function used by rwlinp.m and other functions. Most users will not need to call trailnan in their own code

 x (1 x ?)r or (? x 1)r vector, usually a time series


 x (? x 1)r  the same vector, but with any trailing NaN's removed

*** REFERENCES -- none

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 intnan: check for internal NaN in a vector
 Last revised 2008-4-29

Utility function for checking whether a vector has an internal, or imbedded, NaN

 x(? x 1)r or ((1 x ?)r  -- a time series


 m(1 x 1)L   1 if x has imbedded NaN, 0 otherwise

*** REFERENCES -- none



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