Decade-to-Century Hydroclimatic Variability in Western North America

Principal Investigators David M. Meko and Malcolm K. Hughes
Funding Agency: NOAA Paleoclimatology
Award: NA 86GP0454
Award Period: 08/01/98 - 11/30/01

Two components of this project are the extension of cool-season precipitation information to the millennial time scale and the investigation of the warm-season precipitation signal. As one approach to the warm-season signal we are developing a network of latewood-width chronologies from various parts of western North America. Dave Stahle and Malcolm Cleaveland ( U Arkansas) are collaborators in this research under a related NOAA award.

An extension was granted in 2000 to allow the the research to be expanded to an detailed examination of the latewood width signal in a daily precipitation data set.

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