The long version of the title is "Dendrohydrology of Blue Oak in the Central Valley of California. The project is a subcontract from the University of Arkansas and contributes to a multi-institutional project "Hydroclimatic Reconstruction and Ancient Blue Oak Mapping over the Drainage Basin of SanFrancisco Bay". The larger project is headed by David W. Stahle. Co-investigators are Dan Cayan, Mike Dettinger and Kelly Redmond. Some objectives of this study are 1)improved climatic reconstructions of streamflow and precipitation, 2) improved understanding of the ecology of ancient blue oak, and 3) testing of a predictive model for presence of ancient blue oak.
A summary of my recent work on the project is in the powerpoint "spacemode.ppt" at
Meko blue oak
More information on this project is available at the mother site
Blue Oak Woodlands of California
Kelly Redmond and John Abatzoglou, Western Regional Climate Center, have put together a comprehensive analysis of the climate signal in the blue oak chronologies at
Blue Oak WRCC
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