Tumacacori Hackberry
Principal Investigators: David Meko and Amy McCoy
Funding Agency: National Park Service, Desert Southwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit
Award Period: 09/30/2007 - 09/30/2009
The long version of the title is "Riparian Thresholds: Using Dendrochronological Metrics to Evaluate Change". The main objective is to pioneer the use of Netleaf Hackberry (Celtis reticulata) as a dendrochronological indicator of riparian health and riparian climate/growth relationships.
Research Topics
- Develop hackberry chronologies from trees located on public and private land in the Santa Cruz, San Pedro, and Gila River watersheds
- Explore dependency of ring width on tree age/size and the possibility of developing regional curves summarizing the dependency
- Explore density differences in the early and late wood in each ring to measure for irregularities in wood density development trends as related to winter and monsoon precipitation patterns
- Map water/tree growth relationships through time and space along the river
Support and extend the tree ring water availability analysis by utilizing a simple regional water budget to understand how the system's water budget may have varied over the recent past beyond available stream gauging records