North American Monsoon
Principal Investigators: Connie Woodhouse, Chris Castro, Steve Leavitt, David Meko, and Ramzi Touchan
Funding Agency: NSF
Award Period: 09/01/08 - 08/31/11
The long version of the title is "An Investigation of North American Monsoon (NAM) Variability using Instrumental and Tree-Ring Data". A main objective of this study is improved understanding of the long-term variability of the North American Monsoon through use of partial-widthand stable isotope tree-ring data. The project includes both new and existing tree-ring collections.
Research Topics
- Document monsoon variability, decades to centuries
- Study covariation of NAM with winter precipitation variability
- Study links of NAM with ocean/atmosphere circulation
- Examine The consistency of downscaled general circulation model (GCM) simulations with paleoclimatic evidence
of NAM variability