Mediterranean Climate
Principal Investigators: Ramzi Touchan and David Meko
Funding Agency: NSF-Paleo Pespectives on Climate Change (P2C2)
Award Period: 06/01/2011-05/31/2016
The long version of the title is "Collaborative Research: Past and Future Drought Variability in the
Mediterranean Basin". A main objective of this study is to develop new tree-ring chronologies from North Africa and apply them to study the spatio-temporal variability of drought
Research Topics
- Develop tree-ring chronologies from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya
- Build networks of tree-ring chronologies over the Medierranean using previously developed and new chronologies
- Apply the networks to study the large-scale spatiotemporal climate variations impacting the Middle East
- Identify relationships between regional drought, radiative forcing, and atmosphere-ocean dynamics
- Generate reconstructed time series of streamflow and other variables of use to resource managers