Collaborative Research: P2C2 -- Where has the Water Gone?
Principal Investigator: David Meko
Funding Agency: NSF Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change (P2C2)
Award Period: 09/01/2019-07/31/2022
The main objective is to provide information on the variability of hydroclimate of the Carson-Truckee River Basin over decades to centuries. Collaboration is with Franco Biondi (University of Nevada, Reno). Tasks include application of modern tree-ring data, including cell anatomical data, in the framework of a water balance model in producing field reconstructions of water-balance parameters over the basin. MS candidate Anabel Winitsky joined the project in Fall Semester, 2020.
Research Topics
- Investigate hydrology of the Truckee-Carson Basin (California/Nevada)
- Develop new tree-ring cell-anatomy time series (Biondi)
- Calibrate a water-balance model to the study basin
- Reconstruct fields of soil moisture, snowmelt, runoff, and other variables from tree rings.
- Document moisture regimes and cyclic tendencies
- Develop a web-based tool to encourage wide use of project data